Onion thrips Thrips tabaci

Onion thrips are found primarily on vegetables, and are most numerous in early summer. Onion thrips are a small thrips (1-1.2mm), and there are only females found in Australia. A darker, larger form of onion thrips may be found in winter months. The colouring of the abdominal segments on onion thrips is more uniform than that of either WFT or tomato thrips. The ocelli or eyespots are pale on onion thrips, whereas they are red on WFT. The tip of the abdomen is a uniform grey/brown colour on onion thrips, while it is black on WFT.

Onion thrips are found on all parts of the plant but they prefer the undersides of young leaves. They are often found sitting close to leaf veins. Onion thrips will also feed on pollen. Onion thrips can also feed on the eggs of two spotted mite and may hide from predators underneath mite webs on a leaf.

Development stops when the temperature drops below 12°C and increases between 16-28°C. Pupation occurs in the soil or hidden in cracks and crevasses on the plant.

Onion thrips can be controlled by Orius, Cucumeris and Hypo-A and Dalotia.


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