
Aphids (others)



There are over 400 species of Aphids that infest food and fibre crops.

Some common species of aphids have a standalone page on this website but there are many others that can cause significant damage to crops. Some of the more common ones include: Cereal Aphids, Pea Aphid, Turnip Aphid, Black Peach Aphid, Onion Aphid, Apple Aphid, Black Citrus Aphid, Strawberry Aphid, Phylloxera, Rice Root Aphid, Onion Aphid, Yellow Milkweed Aphid, and Giant Willow Aphid.

All species are sapsuckers and breed rapidly and profusely building large populations by giving birth to live young.


Why you need to control Aphids (others)

Aphids are destructive insect pests. They weaken plants by sucking sap, act as vectors of plant viruses, and deposit honeydew which subsequently develops into sooty mould.

IPM is the best option to manage aphids as they often develop resistance to insecticides and feed in crops that are hard to cover with sprays.

Flowers and Ornamentals
Medicinal Cannabis
Stone fruit

Beneficial predators to control Aphids (others) among crops

Many naturally occurring aphid predators such as lacewings, hoverflies, ladybirds and parasitic wasps can provide effective control of this group of aphids, especially along the perimeters of the crops bordering native vegetation.

You can introduce commercially available aphid parasites and predators in areas where aphid outbreaks are persistent, however some are specific to certain aphid species. Therefore it is important to identify your aphid species before trying to treat it. While applying selective aphicides can provide relief, we don't recommend using broad-spectrum insecticides because it destroys the naturally occurring beneficials and encourages the aphids do become resistant to chemicals.

Naturally occurring fungal diseases of aphids can provide additional control when the conditions are ideal.

Biological Services has products to control aphids in your crops and can advise you on their use.

Aphid Parasite Mix
Green Lacewing

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To speak with one of our qualified consultants about your current commercial crop challenge or to learn about the benefits of the IPM maintenance and monitoring services we provide, contact us.

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