


Cotton is a versatile crop used in the textile, fibre, pharmaceutical, and industrial sectors of the Australian economy. Farmers also feed the waste product, cottonseed, to cattle.

The major pests of cotton are heliothis caterpillars (Helicoverpa armigera and H. punctigera), Cotton/Melon Aphid (Aphis gossypii), Two-Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae) and Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci).

Green mirids and Mealybugs are also important pests and Broad Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) is also known to affect cotton plants.

Most cotton produced in Australia occurs in New South Wales and Queensland.

Signs you have Cotton pests

The key to controlling pests in your cotton crop effectively, is detecting them early and introducing beneficials at the right moment.

  • Aphids. Cotton/Melon Aphid is the most common aphid pest in cotton crops and transmits the Cotton Bunchy Top Virus. Green Peach Aphid is less common, but causes significantly more damage when present at high levels. Affected plants are stunted with downward cupping of leaves. Leaves turn red and sooty mould develops on leaves and fruit.
  • Heliothis caterpillars cause chewing damage to all stages of the crop.
  • Solenopsis Mealybug deform leaves and growing tips, reduce plant vigour, and cause eventual plant death. Honeydew and the resulting sooty mould make the final cotton product unusable.
  • Two-Spotted Mite is the primary spider mite pest in cotton. Damage to foliage appears as brown to red spots. At high levels, mites don't cause webbing as in other crops but will cause the plant leaves to turn completely red and fall off.
  • Thrips. Onion Thrip, Tomato Thrip and the Western Flower Thrip cause intermittent problems in cotton crops. Affected seedlings have leaf silvering and damage to the growth tips. Later in the season, thrips may cause significant damage to the foliage but by then, control is usually not warranted.
  • Silverleaf Whitefly is a major pest of cotton in Australia. They secrete honeydew when feeding on the leaves, which leads to sooty mould developing on the affected leaves and fruit.
Moths and Caterpillars
Cotton/Melon Aphid
Western Flower Thrips
Broad Mite
Two-Spotted Mite
Onion Thrips
Silverleaf Whitefly

Products you can use to control Cotton pests

Biological Services producers a range of products to control pests in cotton.

Aphid Parasite Mix
Eretmocerus hayati
Green Lacewing

Other tips for managing pests in your Cotton

Your local Biological Services consultant can provide year-round, professional crop monitoring and expert IPM program advice.

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To speak with one of our qualified consultants about your current commercial crop challenge or to learn about the benefits of the IPM maintenance and monitoring services we provide, contact us.

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