Trichogramma pretiosum (Trichogramma) is an extremely small (0.3mm long) caterpillar egg parasitoid that is an effective biological control agent in natural and agricultural ecosystems.
Trichogramma is suitable for a range of broadacre and vegetable crops, including cotton and sweetcorn that are attacked by Helicoverpa (Heliothis) moths.
Pests Trichogramma can help you control
While several native egg parasitoids are active in the major crop-growing areas of Australia, they are usually not present in sufficient numbers to adequately control economically important caterpillar pests.
Trichogramma can be timed for release in high numbers when crops are at susceptible stages or moths are known to be very active.
How Trichogramma controls pests among crops
The Trichogramma female uses visual and chemical information to find the eggs of the prey host. She lays her eggs inside the moth eggs and as the larvae develop, they consume the host egg from within. The adult Trichogramma wasp emerges 7-14 days later to continue its lifecycle.
Each Trichogramma female can parasitise 100 eggs and can also feed directly on the host eggs.
For best results, we advise several releases per moth generation usually one or two weeks apart.
The success of these IPM programs depends on several factors, such as the use of persistent broad-spectrum pesticides, weather conditions, compatibility with the host, and the quality of the commercial product.
Certain pesticides and fungicides affect Trichogramma so contact your local Biological Services Consultant for specific advice.
How you can order Trichogramma
You can order Trichogramma pretiosum from Biological Services in vials containing 10,000 adult wasps.
Get tailored advice for your commercial crop
To speak with one of our qualified consultants about your current commercial crop challenge or to learn about the benefits of the IPM maintenance and monitoring services we provide, contact us.