Pests – Thrips

Thrips Control Products Crops
Greenhouse thrips
Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis

Lailae Monty Thripobius

Onion thrips
Thrips tabaci

Cucumeris Dalotia Hypoaspis Killer mites Orius Orius banker plants

Flowers/ornamentals Greenhouse capsicums Greenhouse cucumbers Greenhouse eggplants Greenhouse tomatoes Strawberries

Plague thrips
Thrips imaginis

Cucumeris Orius Orius banker plants

Berryfruit Greenhouse capsicums Strawberries

several species

Ladybirds Lailae

Western flower thrips
Frankliniella occidentalis

Cucumeris Dalotia Killer mites Orius Orius banker plants

Berryfruit Flowers/ornamentals Greenhouse capsicums Greenhouse cucumbers Greenhouse eggplants Greenhouse tomatoes Strawberries


We produce 30 commercial biological control products for IPM programs. We also stock a range of traps and monitoring tools.

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Information on a range of key pests that can be controlled biologically in Australia using our products.

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We work in a range of crops and have developed biologically based IPM programs to control the major pests.

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