Environmental strategy

Our aims

Our aim is to reduce the reliance on pesticide use in agricultural crops in Australia. We offer alternative ways of controlling insect pests and mites in horticultural crops, utilising Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM combines all pest control methods including biological, cultural, mechanical, physical and chemical controls.  This helps growers produce better yields and quality with reduced use of pesticides - a more sustainable way of growing their crop. These techniques have reduced impacts on the surrounding environment and to society as a whole.

We operate two insectaries based in Loxton and Muchea to produce our range of biological control agents.  Our operations at these insectaries have varying impacts on the environment and we have identified these to monitor, reduce and control these impacts.  Our main environmental impacts are Energy, Water, Transport, Building, and Waste.

Our aims are to:

Energy and carbon

LPG gas cylinderThis is the area where we probably have the largest impact on the environment.  Insectary laboratories need power 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Rearing rooms and greenhouses need to be maintained at optimum temperatures using a variety of climate control mechanisms which all utilise electricity. We reduce our impact on the grid by implementing a few practical tasks or innovative technology. These include:

There are still improvements that can be made to minimise our energy use and we continue to explore these avenues.


Water tankWater is a valuable resource and is utilised on a daily basis at the insectaries, everything from irrigation to cleaning up. We realise the value of this resource and use it wisely by having various systems and procedures in place. These include:

All these methods aid in reducing our water usage however we are looking into ways to further reduce our usage.


Recycle and reuse are the keywords here for us. Not only does it reduce our impact on the environment by reducing what goes to landfill, it is more cost effective for us too. Here are a few small things we do to reduce our waste.


Buildings and greenhouses

Building insulation

While we have done what we can to improve older structures we also realise that should future structures be built we will look into options that are as energy efficient as possible to further reduce our impact on the environment.


To run our insectaries as efficiently as possible we have to create an awareness and knowledge amongst our staff of the values, initiatives and commitment to reduce our impacts on the environment. This is done by:

Creating a good culture and awareness among staff and clients alike will enable us to move forward in a positive manner and therefore encourage our "lead by example" approach.

In the field

Our biggest impact is to help growers reduce the use of pesticides on horticultural crops around Australia. We tailor IPM programs for each growers requirements and where possible monitor their crops and provide ongoing advice. Introducing beneficial insects and maintaining a balance of beneficials and pests reduces the need for regular broad spectrum pesticides. Where pesticides are required we recommend products that are specific to the pest requiring control and if possible products that do not harm the beneficial organisms. The benefits of this approach are:


We realise that there is always room for improvement and encourage staff, management, and growers alike to come forward with new ideas that can be implemented. Whether they are great or small every little bit counts in reducing our overall impact on the environment. We will endeavour to constantly monitor and seek ways to improve our efforts and ensure that targets are met.


We produce 30 commercial biological control products for IPM programs. We also stock a range of traps and monitoring tools.

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Information on a range of key pests that can be controlled biologically in Australia using our products.

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We work in a range of crops and have developed biologically based IPM programs to control the major pests.

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