
Eriophyid and tarsonemid mites


Mites are significant pests in a range of agricultural crops. Most growers are familiar with the spider mites of the Tetranychidae family, such as Two-Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae) which are generally easy to see with the naked eye.

Mites from the Eriophyidae and Tarsonemidae families cannot be seen with the naked eye and several species are important pests in tree crops, vineyards, ornamentals, nurseries, and other horticultural crops.

Eriophyid mites are usually associated with tree and vine crops. There are many types of eriophyid mites active in Australian agricultural ecosystems including Grapevine Rust Mite (Calepitrimerus vitis), Grapevine Bud or Blister Mite (Colomerus vitis), Citrus Rust Mites and the Tomato Russet Mite (Aculops lycopersici) which can also attack greenhouse eggplants.

Tarsonemid mites attack a range of ornamental plants and some horticulture crops including capsicums, cucumbers and strawberries. Tarsonemid mites prefer the new leaves, stems and flowers, but some can affect the older plant tissue. Broad Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) is a notorious pest of many ornamental plants and greenhouse crops and is often spread by whiteflies. The Cyclamen Mite (Phytonemus pallidus) is a pest of ornamental crops and strawberries.

Why you need to control Eriophyid and tarsonemid mites

Eriophyid and tarsonemid mites can attack every part of the host plant but generally prefer the new growth. Your plants will appear stunted, deformed, or discoloured.

  • Eriophyid mites cause severe galls or blisters on the leaves of grapevines.
  • Citrus Rust Mites cause severe bronzing of the fruit.
  • Tomato Russet Mite cause bronzing of stems and leaves and affected stems become brittle and eventually snap off.
  • Broad Mite permanently stunts affected plants by damaging the growth tips and the new leaves.

The impact of these microscopic mites can be widespread because they are difficult to detect. Regular crop monitoring by professional crop scouts or Biological Services consultants is the best way to prevent widespread damage to your commercial crop.

Flowers and Ornamentals
Medicinal Cannabis
Pome Fruit
Raspberry, Blackberry & Blueberry
Stone fruit
Tree crops

Beneficial predators to control Eriophyid and tarsonemid mites among crops

Biological Services sells a range of products to help you control eriophyid and tarsonemid mites and can design an appropriate program comprising of Californicus, Cucumeris, Doreen or Monty depending on your crop type.


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To speak with one of our qualified consultants about your current commercial crop challenge or to learn about the benefits of the IPM maintenance and monitoring services we provide, contact us.

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