
Tomato Russet Mite

Aculops lycopersici


The Tomato Russet Mite (TRM, Aculops lycopersici) can be a major pest of greenhouse tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes and occurs also on solanaceous weeds such as blackberry nightshade.

Russet mites have a lifecycle of approximately 7 days at 21-25°C. The ideal conditions for Russet mites to develop is 21-27°C with 30% relative humidity. Females can live for several weeks and lay up to 50 eggs.

TRM is not related to spider mites such as Two-Spotted Mite and belongs to an entirely different mite family.

Why you need to control Tomato Russet Mite

As TRM cannot be seen with the naked eye, the first damage symptoms noticed on your plants will mean the numbers are already very high.

Most infestations start on the lower parts of the plant. Lower leaves start to yellow from the base of the leaf, moving out towards the edges. Leaves may turn silvery on the lower surfaces and curl before they finally turn bronze and drop off. Infested stems change colour from green to a shinier bronze and you may notice longitudinal cracking.

In very heavy infestations, russeting on the surface of young fruit occurs and the fruit may fail to expand. Russet mite feeding may reduce your plants’ ability to photosynthesize which will affect your crop yield.

TRM are easily spread by workers’ clothing, birds, wind, and leaves blown into a crop from outside.


Beneficial predators to control Tomato Russet Mite among crops

No biocontrols are currently available in Australia for TRM on tomato crops. Most of the predatory mites produced will feed on this pest but they cannot establish properly on tomatoes due to toxic trichomes and leaf hairs of tomato plants.

A range of low toxicity sprays are available to manage TRM. Contact your Biological Services consultant for further advice.

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