

Nesidiocoris tenuis


Nesidiocoris tenuis (Nesidiocoris) is a predatory bug of the Miridae family used to control whitefly. It is found extensively in Mediterranean climates and is naturally established in all states of Australia.

Adults are bright green and are 5-6 mm in length.

A voracious general predator, Nesidiocoris is a major natural enemy of pests such as whiteflies, moth eggs and small grubs.

Nesidiocoris is commonly used to control both Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) and Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) on tomato and eggplant (aubergine) crops.

As Nesidiocoris also feed on plant tissues, regular monitoring is needed to ensure their populations do not become too high and cause damage to crops.

Pests Nesidiocoris can help you control

You can use Nesidiocoris to control Greenhouse Whitefly and Silverleaf Whitefly.

It can also help you to control moth eggs, small grubs, thrips and Two-Spotted Mite.

Greenhouse Whitefly
Silverleaf Whitefly

How Nesidiocoris controls pests among crops

Both adults and nymphs of Nesidiocoris feed on pests. Nesidiocoris has a shorter life cycle when it feeds on eggs and larvae of whitefly or moths, than when feeding predominantly on thrips or mites. It likes hot conditions and has faster generation cycles in the summer months.

To optimise whitefly control, use Nesidiocoris in conjunction with Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus (E. warrae and/or E. hayati). 

If Nesidiocoris populations increase towards damaging numbers, contact Biological Services for further information. We can advise you on measures to reduce their numbers depending on your specific situation.

Certain pesticides and fungicides can affect Nesidiocoris establishment so contact your local Biological Services Consultant for specific advice.


How you can order Nesidiocoris

You can order Nesidiocoris from Biological Services in biodegradable cups containing 500 adults and nymphs per cup.

Associated Crops


Associated Pests

Greenhouse Whitefly
Silverleaf Whitefly

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