

Trichogramma cryptophlebiae


Trichogramma cryptophlebiae (MacTrix) is a small parasitic wasp that targets the eggs of specific lepidopteran moths. It has been used in Australia since 2004 to control the Macadamia Nutborer (Cryptophlebia ombrodelta) on macadamia, longan, and lychee trees.

The application of MacTrix on a massive scale led to a dramatic reduction of insecticide use in macadamia orchards and is a good example of an Integrated Pest Management success story in Australia.

It is likely that MacTrix can parasitise other Tortricid moth eggs including Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) in pome fruits, and Light Brown Apple Moth (Epiphyas postvittana). Tests are being conducted to assess their effectiveness on these pests.

Pests MacTrix can help you control

You can use Trichogramma cryptophlebiae to control the Macadamia Nutborer (Cryptophlebia ombrodelta) on a range of tree crops.

Macadamia Nutborer
Moths and Caterpillars

How MacTrix controls pests among crops

MacTrix is an egg parasitoid. Female MacTrix lay their eggs into the Macadamia Nutborer eggs. The larvae develop within the parasitized egg, consume the pest in the process and 2 or 3 adult MacTrix wasps emerge 10 days later to continue their lifecycle.

For more technical information on MacTrix, please visit the Bioresources website.

Certain pesticides and fungicides affect this product so contact your Biological Services Consultant for specific advice.

Tree crops
Tree crops

How you can order MacTrix

You can order MacTrix from Biological Services on corrugated cardboard sheets containing parasitized eggs (minimum order quantity is 1000 MacTrix wasps). MacTrix wasps are reared by Bioresources, a subsidiary of Biological Services.

Associated Crops

Tree crops
Tree crops

Associated Pests

Macadamia Nutborer
Moths and Caterpillars

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