
Macadamia Nutborer

Cryptophlebia ombrodelta


The Macadamia Nutborer (Cryptophlebia ombrodelta) is a small reddish-brown moth affecting macadamia, longan and lychee tree crops.

The wingspan of the adult female Macadamia Nutborer moth is about 25mm. The female moth lays eggs onto the outer skin of the immature macadamia nut. The eggs are flat and may be mistaken for scale insects. The larva then burrows into the immature nut and feeds on the kernel.

Macadamia Nutborer pupates from infected nuts and can persist in orchards where infected nuts are not removed. The pest also persists in the environment on many alternative host plants including mangroves.

Macadamia Nutborer was a serious pest of macadamias before the egg parasitoid Trichogramma cryptophlebiae (MacTrix) was used in area-wide management programs.

Why you need to control Macadamia Nutborer

Macadamia Nutborer will cause premature nut drop in your crop and the affected nuts are unsaleable.

Tree crops

Beneficial predators to control Macadamia Nutborer among crops

Biological Services can design a program incorporating MacTrix (Trichogramma cryptophlebiae) to control Macademia Nutborer in your crops.


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