
Bean Red Spider Mite

Tetranychus ludeni


The Bean Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus ludeni) is found on more than 300 plant species worldwide including bean, eggplant, hibiscus, pumpkin and other cucurbits in warm areas.

It is also known as the Dark-Red Spider Mite, Red-Legged Spider Mite or Bean Mite. It is a common pest of greenhouse crops in temperate areas. Adults are dark crimson red but lack the two dark spots of Two-Spotted Mites. Legs are often dark red as well.

Why you need to control Bean Red Spider Mite

Bean Red Spider Mites cause damage to crops similar to the damage of Two-Spotted Mites.

You will notice mites mostly on the underside of the leaves, where they will pierce the plant cells and suck out their contents. Those cells then turn yellow, and on many plants, you will see mite damage on the upper surface of the leaf as small white-yellow spots. If you do not control them, Bean Red Spider Mites will turn your plant leaves completely yellow and with the photosynthetic area gone, the leaf dies and the whole plant can eventually die too.

Nymph and adult Bean Red Spider Mites also produce webs. If you have large numbers of mites present, your plants can be covered completely with webs which will be swarming with mites, and can lead to permanent stunting or death of your plants.


Flowers and Ornamentals
Raspberry, Blackberry & Blueberry

Beneficial predators to control Bean Red Spider Mite among crops

Biological Services can design a program to help you control Bean Red Spider Mite in your commercial crop using Phytoseiulus persimilis (Persimilis) and Neoseiulus californicus (Californicus).


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